Key drivers analyses (KDA) are a very commonly used in marketing analytics to determine what factors are strongly related to key performance indicators (KPI) such as brand trust. Nowadays you can get KDA delivered as a deck.

While KDAs are commonplace, there is still a substantial cost related to running a full analysis as it requires a technical skill set. Our approach enables users without statistical software skills to explore their data in a fast and appealing delivery, while keeping a robust scientific methodology. Seamlessly upload your data, let our platform do the hard work, and download your ready to comment and present slides deck. This is Key Drivers Analysis delivered as a deck!

Usual applications are:

  • Brand performance; analyse the results of your brand tracker, brand satisfaction, NPS, loyalty, or customer happiness to delve into the main levers of your brand performance or competitor’s.
  • Sales drivers; identify the main drivers behind higher sales in the longer run. Obtain the insights that will let you know how much important is everyone of your marketing strategy levers from other factors.
  • Clickthrough factors; your ad campaigns are generating an increasing amount of data that is hiding actionable intelligence. Don’t let the algorithmic bidding outbid you and analyse the factors that separate the successful clicks from the losing ones.

In our API there is an endpoint API that allows you to generate a slides deck in PPTX file format containing the following slides:

  • Drivers Importance; a bar chart sorting from most important to less important, as a % of explainability of the analysed KPI
  • Histogram of Outcome Variable; a histogram of the analysed KPI
  • Bloxplots of Drivers
  • Descriptive Summary table
  • Correlation table
  • Effect Matrix; scatter graph of impact vs importance (%)
  • Simulated Effect; bar chart of drivers impact (accounts for importance and sign)
  • Confidence of Coefficients; bar charts for statistical significance of drivers coefficients
  • Variable Importance table

For obtaining the file, you need to make use of four different endpoints:

  • kda; send a CSV file (comma separated) containing KPI and Drivers data, with variable names in the header. This endpoint assesses the data and starts a machine learning process beginning a process in our servers. It returns a task id.
  • answer; use your task id to retrieve the status of your task. If you receive a success message, your file is ready to download.
  • slides; use your task id to download the file.
  • csv; use your task id to download the data results.

Get KDA delivered as a deck. More information in the KDA product page!